
Walking Together in a Good Way

This resource contains a compilation of articles that have been run in issues of CBM’s former publication, Mosaic magazine, as well as other thoughts shared by Cheryl Bear. Our hope is that this guide will be a clarion call to our Canadian Baptist church family to become “other”. We, who have been reconciled to God, have been entrusted with the mandate of the reconcilers (2 Cor. 5:18), bringing together that which was previously separated, uniting divided pieces of the fabric of God’s plan. Too often, our refusal to become something other, to be totally changed is, in itself, our greatest obstacle to the restoration of ruptured relations. We believe that the first step for God’s people to becoming the other is listening to one another so that a deeper understanding of the pain and brokenness might be attained. Thank you for taking this first step as we continue walking together in a good way with our Indigenous brothers and sisters. This guide is just a starting point. For more resources that will enhance your understanding of these complex issues understanding, visit