
Kenya – ACC&S Bible School

Project Overview
Cause: Builld The Church
Location: Kenya
Field Staff: Eugene Akondeng
Project Partner: ACC&S

This project aims to build the capacity of men and women who have been called to fulltime ministry but have inadequate skills to undertake the mandate and inadequate finances to pay for the necessary training and equipping. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to award partial scholarship to needy students who are already enrolled in Theological training with ACC&S, both in the regular and parttime program. The second objective of this project is to supply learning technology that that will facilitate efficient teaching and learning.

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Old Site Data

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Kenya – ACC&S Bible School

Project code: M2305
Project Spending: $
15% Admin Fee:
Total Project Budget:
Staff Profile Image

EugeneAkondengEugene Akondeng

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