
Pray with Yuanchuan Ye and Ming Gao

1 s min

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Ye Yuanchuan

Ye Yuanchuan serves as CBM Field Staff in Kassel, Germany with the Chinese ministry team.

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We thank God for His grace in keeping our family in good health and being able to participate in many church ministries. Every week, my wife and I visit our brothers and sisters or catechism friends. Pray that the Lord will use us to grow their lives in the Lord through His Word and prayers. In particular, we have recently met some young people in our church activities who are interested in the Christian faith and do not refuse our visits to them. Therefore, pray for the Lord’s special leading to keep their hearts and move them to be willing to accept Christ. Thank God that we have initiated a daily Bible reading program in our church, and some brothers and sisters have been encouraged to begin to persevere in reading the Bible daily. It has been two months now, and the results are very good, and more and more people are joining in. Pray that the Lord would use this opportunity to build up brothers and sisters in the habit of reading the Bible. Thank God for using the church and adding saved people to us. Our church held a baptism on July 16th and 3 brothers and sisters were baptized into the name of Christ. Please pray for the church. Pray that our brothers and sisters in the church will be more eager for the word of the Lord, grow in their lives, commit themselves to the church, participate in ministries, and preach the gospel.

Prayer Points:

Please pray:

  • We thank God for His grace. Pray for the Lord’s blessing on our visitation ministry. May those we visit with feel the love and grace of God.
  • Pray for the daily Bible reading activities in the church. May attendees enjoy fellowship, be encouraged, and grow in knowledge and wisdom.
  • Thank God for the baptism on July 16th. May these new members of God’s family continue to grow in their faith and devotion to Jesus.
  • Pray for the spiritual growth of our brothers and sisters in the church.

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