
Pray with Suraj Komaravalli

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Suraj Komaravalli

Suraj Komaravalli is CBM’s Asia Team Leader. He first joined CBM in 2008 as a Theological Education Consultant with the India Strategy Team.

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Greeting in Christ’s name.  I am Suraj Komaravalli and I serve as CBM’s Team Leader in India.  I develop Integral Mission strategies in the eight states of India – Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal, Assam, Mizoram and Nagaland. I also seek to shape a more contemporary and contextual approach to church-based transformational ministry in India.

The year 2022 has started quite well with our Partners and projects in comparison to the difficult and challenging times we had due to the pandemic in the last couple of years. As many of our partners elect new members and leaders to their committees, pray that their teams would be strengthened and that they will lead well. Pray for the upcoming Integral Mission workshop with our newest partner. Finally, please pray for our project helping survivors of human trafficking. Pray that they will know God’s love for them and be empowered through learning new skills.

I thank you for your kind prayers and support for CBM’s Ministries in India. May God bless you.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for the Pastors of our Partner, Uktal Baptist Churches Association (UBCA), Odisha, who from 30-31 March would elect a new Executive Committee. We pray that the new Executive Committee will continue to carry the burden of mission and minister accordingly.
  • Pray for SBCMS’ new leadership transition on 1 April 2022 and that, the new Executive Team would serve the church as trustworthy and committed stewards.
  • Pray for the Project “Rehabilitation and Transformation of Rescued and survived human trafficked women” with our Partner, Circular Road Baptist Church, Kolkata, as they strive for the beneficiaries’ freedom and identity. Also, pray for the Beneficiaries’ program of empowerment through skilled training programs – tailoring, beautician and cooking.
  • Pray for the Integral Mission workshop that will take place from April 20-21 with our new partner, the Baptist Church of Mizoram (BCM). Pray that the significant mission approach would be more meaningful as we walk together through a project on “Sustainable community development through education” (mainly skill training) to address the issue of unemployment and its consequences.
  • Pray for necessary wisdom and guidance as I reach out for new partners who have a zeal and a heart for the broken in India. Every year, we hope to add a new partner in new areas of the country where the needs are immense.
  • Pray for our Partners as they are taking steps forward as our ambassadors in talking about CBM and Integral Mission and encouraging local churches to adopt this holistic approach to mission.

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