
Pray with Suraj Komaravalli

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Suraj Komaravalli

Suraj Komaravalli is CBM’s Asia Team Leader. He first joined CBM in 2008 as a Theological Education Consultant with the India Strategy Team.

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We praise you, God, our wonderful Counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of peace.

As we hear of the new COVID-19 Delta variant AY4.2 spreading in India, we pray for protection and healing from this virus. We pray particularly for the many poor and vulnerable who have already faced many difficulties due to the pandemic.

As our partners’ beneficiaries are slowly recovering from the effects of COVID, we pray especially for the Soura Widows in Odisha, the weaving women in Assam as they strive to recoup their business, for skill-trained youth in Assam as they strive to find suitable work and for kids at risk as they learn at schools and tutoring centers.

We pray for guidance for our India partners as they continue to build their capacity through theological education and strive towards building a sustainable platform to run programs. We also pray for opportunities for continued leadership equipping in the development and administration programs.

We pray for Circular Road Baptist Church, Kolkata, as they begin a partnership with CBM. This program seeks to help provide better educational opportunities and dignified career prospects for the young daughters of human trafficking victims. The difficult financial and economic situation caused by the pandemic puts these young girls at greater risk as perpetrators attempt to influence them into this gruesome trade.

We also pray for needed wisdom and guidance as we initiate a new partnership in 2022 with Baptist Church of Mizoram, Lunglei, Mizoram. The joint effort seeks to address issues like unemployment and the devastating consequences this has on the youth in the Lunglei area of Mizoram.

We pray for protection and guidance for both CP and myself, as we travel to remote areas to visit our partners, mainly in high risk COVID areas like Mizoram.

We pray for all the donors and friends of India who sacrificially come forward to help the broken in India. O Lord, we pray for blessings upon them and their families.

We pray for the CBM Board, staff, churches and all partners around the world – that you would continue to bless and lead all of us to fulfil the vision and mission of CBM.

All these petitions in Christ’s name we ask, amen.

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