
Pray with Michael Waddell

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Michael Waddell

Michael Waddell is the Team Lead for Marketplace Engagement at CBM, working under the Canadian Partnerships department.

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Hi everyone! My name is Michael Waddell, and I serve as Senior Associate for Vennture, CBM’s faith meets work department. I want to thank you for your ongoing prayer support for CBM and the work we are doing together as Canadian Baptists around the world.

Whether paid or unpaid, work is an integral part of what it means to live as God’s people in this world. Learning more about how our Christian faith shapes and informs the way we approach our work can make a huge impact for God’s Kingdom, which is why CBM, through Vennture, is supporting partners with formational theology of work training, business growth and development, and mobilizing people to participate in God’s mission in and through their daily work.

Please pray for CBM’s Africa team and partners as they continue to develop and implement ‘Integral Mission in the Workplace,’ a new faith meets work training curriculum designed for the African context. Please also pray for the various Vennture business initiatives that our partners are operating in India and the Philippines. And be praying for the small team attending a Work & Worship seminar this week (Aug 7-11) and who will be helping Vennture develop liturgical and worship resources for our church partners. Thanks again for your faithful prayers!

Prayer Points:

Please pray:

  • Please pray for CBM’s Africa team as they continue to develop and implement the ‘Integral Mission in the Workplace’ curriculum with CBM’s African partners.
  • Praise God for new partnerships that will allow CBM and Vennture to support more Global South businesses for the alleviation of poverty.
  • Please pray for our partner in India, Alempang Baptist Church, as they operate two business initiatives providing job opportunities for recovered addicts and unemployed youth.
  • Pray for KPM, our partner in the Philippines, as they continue BUGANA Livelihood Initiative. Pray for continued growth and sustainability for this initiative that is providing income opportunities for women and out-of-school youth.
  • Please pray for our small team attending the Work & Worship seminar this week. Pray that God would use the experience to inspire them as they work to create new resources to enhance worship with work-themed resources.

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