
Pray with Adrian Gardner

1 s min

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Adrian Gardner

Adrian Gardner serves as the Director of Partnerships for the Americas and Asia.  His focus is on forging and nurturing mutual partnerships that advance the gospel and promote holistic ministry across these key regions.

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Hi everyone, my name is Adrian Gardner and I serve with CBM as the Director of Canadian Partnerships. This week, churches across our country and around the world have just marked the first Sunday of Advent 2023. Advent is the season of the year where we prepare and anticipate the coming of Jesus.  We remember and mark the word made flesh in a baby in Bethlehem some 2000 years ago.  We mark his coming into our lives as Lord and Saviour and we eagerly anticipate his coming again when all will be made right and there will be no more mourning, crying, or pain.

The good news of Christmas is that we can have peace with God.  Even as we live in a broken world where peace seems so elusive, Jesus has come so that we might experience his peace and offer peace.

This week I invite you to join me in praying for churches across our country and around our world. Pray that we truly would be people who experience the peace of God in Jesus Christ and share that peace with others through word and deed.

Will you join me in praying specifically for CBM partners in Lebanon, Ukraine, Myanmar, and the Democratic Republic of Congo as they seek to offer the peace of Christ in the midst of devastating conflict and war.

Jesus has come so that we may experience his peace and offer it to those in need.  May he help us do just that in this Advent season.

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