
Pray for Polisi Kivava

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Polisi Kivava

Polisi Kivava joined CBM as a Relief and Development Specialist in 2019.

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Lord, Our Creator,

We are the work of your hands, and we are proud to be created in your image. We feel secure under your protection even when we go through the valley of the shadow of death. But we need your wisdom as we work with partners in the field.

Today, the whole world is torn apart by the devastating COVID-19. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Eastern provinces are under siege because of insecurity and our partners living in that area are facing anxiety about the forthcoming military rule. Only you, Lord, are able to release us from this traumatic situation. In neighbouring countries, safety restrictions still prevent us from reaching out to food security project participants in Rwanda, Kenya and South Sudan.

We are grateful that the third wave of Ebola has just been officially declared over in North-Kivu and people are less resistant to preventive measures. But many countries are now facing the third wave of COVID-19. We think particularly of India and our colleagues who are striving to attend to people in need, at their own risk.  They all need your protection.

We pray for the church all over the world. In some countries, church buildings are still closed. Our prayer is that you may keep your church active in the hearts of your people. In some countries, restrictions have been lifted and we are planning to have exchange visits to learn from one another. We need your wisdom to facilitate safe travelling and also make the program useful for your people. May your hand be on our work.

We pray for CBM, as well as the churches and donors in Canada, who remain faithful to their commitment to keep supporting your mission. Keep them strong, O Lord, so that they may one day rejoice with you when you tell them “I was hungry, and you fed me”. We pray for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank projects. We know that the outcome of COVID-19 will be fatal to many people. We are grateful that these programs help to provide for vulnerable people in these times of hardships.

We thank you, God, for inspiring scientists so that they may find appropriate vaccines and we ask you to soften the hearts of our people so that they may accept the vaccine without resistance.

We believe that you have accepted our prayers because we pray with faith in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.



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