Week ofMarch2
- Pray for the two SENT teams currently serving in Africa. Jonathan and Nicole Storr are in Kenya, serving alongside colleagues from both South Sudan’s FEBAC as well as CBM’s Kenya partner, ACC&S. There is also an exposure tour happening in Rwanda with farmers from Saskatchewan who participate in efforts of the Canada Foodgrains Bank (CFGB). May God use these times of cross-cultural interaction to strengthen his people in Kenya, South Sudan, Rwanda and Canada.
- Pray for the SBCMS (Soura Baptist) Workshop in Visakhapatnam (March 5-6). May God guide discussions and provide wisdom.
- Pray for the new graduates of TBTI (Thailand), who will graduate on March 21. May they have courage as they enter ministry and navigate daily challenges.
- Pray for the health of our partners in the Philippines. Rev. Jerry Lamazon, Chairperson of KPM Board of Trustees is still under medication and had not yet fully recovered from his operation. Pastor Shemae Gevero, Missionary teacher at Libas Child Care Center & Bangon area coordinator is still on medication and had not yet returned to work. Please pray for their recovery and wellness.
- We praise God for the graduation and success of 34 graduates from our various programs, representing Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Morocco, Iraq, Sudan, the UK, and South Korea. Thank God for their dedication and the impact they will have in their communities and beyond!
Latin America and Caribbean
- Pray for SENT teams visiting Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, and our partners FIBAC in March. May these visits strengthen relationships and ministry efforts.
- Pray for outreach activities in Göttingen in March, where both Student and Family groups will host events. May newcomers feel welcomed and experience God’s love.
- Pray for the German-Chinese Discipleship Camp during Easter vacation in April, that God will guide all preparations.
North America
- Pray for the SENT team from Hillside Baptist Church travelling to El Salvador to serve amongst the various ministries CBM partners with and for Byron Velasquez, who will host them.
- Pray for the SENT team from Ponoka Baptist Church that will travel to Bolivia to serve alongside Tim and Kallie Hutton.
- Pray for the team from TMCCC travelling to Northern Thailand to serve with Field Staff Lilian Yang and Joseph Lee.
- Pray for peace in Eastern DRC, where fighting between M23 rebels and government forces continues to cause suffering and displacement. Pray for wisdom for authorities, protection for civilians, and hope for displaced families.
- Pray for the Kui Baptist Association’s Annual Meetings (March 9-10) in Odisha, India. Pray for successful arrangements and permission from district authorities to hold the event.
- Pray for persecuted Christians in Odisha, where threats against believers continue. May they stand firm in faith and experience God’s protection.
Latin America and Caribbean
- Pray for IBAREDO’s ministries in the Dominican Republic, including pastoral, youth, and community projects. May God give wisdom and strength to leaders.
- Pray for grace, patience, and wisdom for the teachers and students of CBM-supported education centres in Lebanon who are seeking a ‘new normal’ resuming classes following the ceasefire. Many of the children were displaced by the conflict and are processing their experiences. We praise God that the building destroyed during the October airstrikes – which housed a preschool supported by THIMAR – is being rebuilt.
- Pray for the Zoom Bible Study Group in Göttingen, serving seekers and new believers across different cities. May it provide meaningful fellowship and growth.
- Praise God that the Youth Easter Camp for the 2nd generation of Chinese in Germany is already almost fully booked with 120 participants. In the weeks leading up to the camp, trainings, lectures and worship times will be prepared and staff trainings will take place. Pray that God will guide all the staff and give them strength, health and love for one another.
North America
- Please pray for churches and pastors in Ontario and Quebec as they prepare for Lent. Ask God to grant them wisdom, strength, and spiritual renewal as they lead their congregations in reflection and repentance. Pray that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit, guiding their communities with faith and compassion. May this season draw many closer to Christ and His redemptive love.
Week ofMarch9
Week ofMarch16
North America
- As we begin our journey toward Easter this March, we pray for a season of reflection, renewal, and spiritual growth. May the Church, locally and globally, embrace the true meaning of this season — that what was once broken is made new in Jesus.
- A monthly group spiritual direction gathering is hosted in the home of Lewis and Felain Lam. Pray that these gatherings will allow for a sacred space where participants encounter God, share their spiritual journeys, and grow in faith.
- Pray for the church in Kassel as they grow in their evangelism ministry. Pray that the congregation will have a passion for evangelism, sharing their testimonies with the Chinese around them and inviting people to come along to Sunday services.
- Pray for Provision for the many churches trying to meet ever-increasing need in their communities. Food prices continue to climb while many people are still unable to return to their homes.
Latin America and Caribbean
- Pray for the Summit on Discipleship (March 25-28) in Bogotá, Colombia, where 1,000 leaders from 20 countries will gather. May this event inspire renewal in the Latin American church.
- Many people in the countries in Africa where CBM has partners are being significantly impacted due to the unexpected closing of essential programs and initiatives due to the sudden withdrawal of USAID funding. A lot of additional, unexpected hardship is being experienced.
- Pray for the Miqlat Ministry’s café project in India, which will provide employment for women. Pray for the workers as they construct the building, and for the ministry team as they continue to raise funds for the program.
- Please continue to pray for the ongoing conflicts in Myanmar. The recent conscription law has placed many young lives in difficult situations. May God’s mercy and peace be upon Myanmar.
- Pray for our partner FEBAC in South Sudan, as political instability has led to government attacks in some areas. Pray for lasting peace and protection.
- Pray for students in Kassel preparing for exams and job searches. May they rely on God’s faithfulness and guidance.
- Pray for the student meditation group in Goettingen, which meets bi-weekly for silence and scripture reflection amid busy schoolwork. Pray that believers grow in their desire for God, practice communal spiritual formation, and balance “intimacy with God” and “service to Him”, nurturing the importance of both “being” and “doing.”
- Pray for Rabih as he continues to support church leaders across the MENA region during these challenging times, while being faithful stewards of the Lord’s ministry and offering support and care to them.
Latin America and Caribbean
- Please pray for our partners as they complete the first quarter of the year. May God guide them, strengthen them, and grant them peace as they navigate the various challenges in their communities.
- Pray for Joseph and Lilian in Thailand, as they balance ministry, teaching, and their studies. May God strengthen them.
- Recently, the Thai government has cut off electricity, internet, and fuel to the Myanmar border area in an effort to crack down on fraudulent activities. However, this has also severely affected the local people and churches in the area. Please pray that God will grant the leaders of both countries the wisdom to address the problem while considering the needs of the people.
North America
- Pray for the SENT team from Gateway Baptist Church who will travel to Roxas City, Philippines and serve with CBM’s partner KPM. (Mar 14-26)
Week ofMarch23
Week ofMarch30
- Pray for our partners in Africa, that they may understand they are a part of God’s mission, not only in the work they do as individual organizations, but also when they join together in their efforts as part of the Nairobi Accord.
Latin America and Caribbean
- Pray that God will continue to pour wisdom and discernment upon our Field Staff as they walk alongside and support our partners in their ministries.
- Pray for the children and youth ministries of the church in Kassel. Pray that they might grow up walking in the right path and not stray from it even in old age. Pray for the teachers to be wise and responsible, and to lead by example in teaching the truth of the Bible.
- Pray for the upcoming Mission Training in Thailand in May, equipping pastors for cross-cultural ministry.
- Pray for the accreditation process at Almaty Bible Institute in Kazakhstan, as they prepare for October evaluations.
- Please pray for the Lay Leaders Training Seminar on Church Organization & Management taking place on March 29 in the Philippines. This seminar will equip 50 lay leaders from 10 local churches, representing youth, women, and men. Pray for the host church as they prepare for the event. May this seminar strengthen church leadership and equip lay leaders to serve effectively in their communities.
- Pray for the ABTS Leadership Team as they embark on a busy season of travel to attend various conferences. Ask for God’s wisdom, strength, and protection over their journeys. May these gatherings be fruitful, fostering meaningful connections and advancing the mission of the Kingdom.
North America
- Please pray for churches considering participation in a SENT team trip. There are many factors to weigh and decisions to make. Also, pray for the teams preparing to go or currently traveling. Some teams have faced weather-related cancellations, preventing them from going. May God provide wisdom, perseverance, and opportunities for these mission efforts to move forward.