Week ofSeptember1
MENA Region
- Please pray for all the field projects and people leading them. May they get enough rest and be encouraged as they work to share the love of God to those in need.
- Pray for our team members as they participate in training church leaders in neighbouring countries.
Latin America and Caribbean Region
- Please pray for our Latin America and Caribbean Field Staff Kathleen and Bruno Soucy as they speak in churches in NB, NS, and ON in September and October. Pray for safe travels and meaningful connections with supporters and friends.
- Please pray for Byron who is hosting Flourish Financial, our Vennture partner, in Guatemala. They will be connecting with financial organizations and entrepreneurs around faith & work initiatives.
- Praise God for the Joint Living Camp where 100 participants from our partner’s adult, children, and youth ministries came together in Germany. It was a time of fellowship, learning, and spiritual growth. Let’s thank the Lord for His guidance and provision during this event.
Africa Region
- Pray for Darrell and Laura Lee as they settle in Moncton and prepare for Home Assignment this Fall. Pray for the Africa Team as they navigate changes resulting from the Bustins’ relocation to Canada.
- Heavy floods and landslides in Wayanad, Kerala, India have resulted in around 200 deaths, and it is believed that hundreds are trapped in landslides. Many families are missing their loved ones and finding it difficult to identify the deceased. Pray for people to care for one another, and for the rescue personnel still searching for the missing. Also, pray for those who have suffered great financial losses – many have lost their homes and livelihoods.
- Please pray for those affected by the unprecedented rainfall and flooding in Andhra Pradesh, India. Pray for the families of the 35 people who have lost their lives, the more than 30,000 evacuees, and the 450,000 individuals impacted by the destruction of roads, transportation delays, and damaged crops. Pray that God grants grace to CBM partners, government agencies, Indian Navy, NGOs, and religious organizations as they work to distribute food and relief materials. Pray for all regions where heavy rainfall warnings are in place for the coming days.
MENA Region
- Please pray for CBM partners in Lebanon, Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS), and Thimar, as they navigate the challenges of ministry during escalating war.
- Please pray for the CBM team as they navigate ministry demands amid this volatile environment.
Africa Region
- Praise God for the recent partnership meeting, which went very well. Our partners in Africa signed an agreement to continue collaboration for the next 5 years.
- There is an upcoming capacity building training for the Africa partner project staff to be held in Kenya and Rwanda for 2 years. Please pray for the success of that training program.
Latin America and Caribbean Region
- Pray for the upcoming Capacity building training for the partner staff in charge of managing projects. The training aims to equip them with basic skills to manage different phases of the projects and practical skills that will enable them to walk alongside the communities that they serve every day.
- Please pray for good political and economic leaders who have a heart for justice and who work for the good of all their citizens.
- Praise God for the opportunity Felain and Lewis Lam, Field Staff in Germany, had to disciple two seminary students this past summer. Praise God for the work of equipping more students to be faithful and effective workers in His Kingdom.
Asia Region
- The conflicts in Myanmar are escalating and have greatly impacted people’s safety and livelihoods. Many people are displaced, and children and young people are unable to access regular education.
- Please pray for Integral Mission workshops in India and on-Air training programs in Hong Kong areas so that the beneficiaries could be better equipped to serve the churches.
Week ofSeptember8
Week ofSeptember15
MENA Region
- During these times of conflict, pray that God gives our staff and partners the wisdom and strength to continue equipping leaders and bringing God’s hope to this volatile region.
- Please pray for CBM partners in Sudan where the war still rages. Pray for wisdom and strength to keep proclaiming a message of hope.
Latin America and Carribean Region
- Pray for each Latin American Partner who is already in the process of planning for 2025. May God inspire and guide them for His glory.
- Pray for good health and travel safety of our team members as we travel and visit in the field.
Africa Region
- Pray for SENT teams interested in visiting Kenya and Rwanda. Pray the Lord would provide them with financial breakthrough. Pray for guidance on how to be a part of our Partners’ projects in the field.
- Pray for the resilience of the small holder farmers communities as they face effects of climate change.
- We praise God for the success of the Germany-wide Coworkers’ Training Camp in led by Pastor Chris Dippenaar. Seventy participants attended, and we are thankful for the wisdom and strength God granted Lewis and Felain Lam to lead in ministry.
- Many students that our partners work with will be continuing school or returning to school after the summer break in September. Pray for the students to do well in their studies, and for our partners who work with them to support them and show them the love of Christ.
- Pray in particular for our partners Kabuganaan Philippines Ministries (KPM) in the Philippines, Chuchyimlang Baptist Church in India, Mizoram Baptist Church in India, and the student centres in Thailand who are all working with students.
MENA Region
- Pray for the countries in our region as the prospect of a regional war is looming. Pray for peace and justice.
Latin America and Carribean Region
- Please pray for our Fraternidad de Iglesias Bautistas de Cuba (FIBAC) FIBAC partner churches whose members live with shortages of necessities including food, medicine, and fuel. Pastors and leaders are feeling discouraged and tempted to leave the country.
- Pray for our partners in the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Bolivia as they implement church-based initiatives and plan for next year.
Africa Region
- Pray for peace and stability in the Eastern DR Congo, where thousands of refugees who fled war and insecurity are living in camps with harsh conditions and food shortages.
Europe Region
- Please pray for the increased levels of social anxiety among students. Pray for those interested in faith but are afraid of crowds. Pray that God’s joy will encourage them to stand for their faith.
Asia Region
- Pray for God to provide a new field staff member for our Northeast India region. Pray that we find a committed person to serve the Lord through CBM.
- Please pray for Kui Baptist Church in Odisha, India, who are raising funds to complete the remaining portion of the Girls Hostel boundary wall with a gate. The congregations of the Kui Baptist churches are among the poorest in that area.
Week ofSeptember22
Week ofSeptember29
MENA Region
- Join us in praying for the southern region of Lebanon where the war continues to escalate. While the news might cause anyone to be fearful, anxious, and uncertain, we trust in God’s sovereignty. Pray for those who are displaced and hurt. Pray for the church to live out its calling during this time and be ready to witness through word and deed.
Latin America and Carribean Region
- Pray for resilience among farming communities as they face the effects of climate change. The seasons are unstable, new kinds of pests are emerging, and the cost of inputs is very high.
Africa Region
- Pray for the political stability of Kenya. There are weekly protests that destabilize the country’s peace and economy.
Asia Region
- Please pray for Chuchyimlang Baptist Church in Nagaland, India as they work alongside the village council to establish a sports academy in 3 years. The Academy intends to provide overall development for kids and address the problem of unemployment among the youth. Excelling in sports creates opportunities to join better schools/colleges through sports quotas, opens sports as a career from state to national to international, and provides wider opportunities for job prospects.
Europe Region
- Please pray for the Joint Dedication Group that started meeting in June. This group includes 12 members from Göttingen and Marburg. Pray that our field staff can offer guidance to these believers as they discern a commitment to God’s calling to become pastors or missionaries. Pray that God will reveal His will and plan to these chosen workers, granting them clarity and conviction in their spiritual journey.