Ministry Update

Bruno and Kathleen Soucy Update March 2024

Ministry Update

4 min

Greetings from Guatemala. While we live in and do much of our work from our home in Guatemala, we responsibilities extend to support initiatives with 10 partners in 5 countries, cultivate and deepen relationships between Southern and Canadian churches, and walk with CBM staff in the wider region of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), in El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Bolivia, and in Guatemala.

Team Retreat & Vennture

As a LAC CBM team we hope to meet face-to-face on a regular basis. Annually would be great but it’s not often possible. But in February we had a retreat in Colombia of all our team and two colleagues from Canada, John Chan and Robin Clark. We focussed on more effective communication and collaboration, leveraging the strengths and gifts of each of us to better design and implement ministry opportunities.

For a few years, CBM has devoted staff and resources to the area of Faith & Work, called Vennture Together we explored how best to serve our partners and communities as we walk with them, be it through workshops and training (Formation), helping to implement initiatives (Creation) or teaching and encouraging church members to use their gifts and calling for building the Kingdom (Mobilization). Of course, each of our contexts and partner priorities are different, so we need to listen and adapt to be effective.

Celebrating Cuba 

Three of our colleagues, including CBM Executive Director, Jennifer Lau, attended the Annual Convention of our Cuba partner, FIBAC. We recently renewed a 5-year Partnership Agreement with them and continue to provide encouragement and financial support for the initiatives they prioritize.  

Life in Cuba is more difficult than ever. The Cuba context continues to deteriorate – our Cuban friends are extremely resilient and resourceful, but daily life includes the challenges of acquiring the economic means to purchase basic needs. There are difficulties of finding food to buy, navigating extremely expensive transportation, and the loss of family and friends through migration. Losing hope for a decent future means a huge outmigration, especially of youth.  

Often, it takes months or years to see the impact of the work we do. We recently received an encouraging message from Asdrubal Forte, a pastor friend from Florida who engages in mission and ministry in Cuba. He travelled to a small church where 7 years ago we had participated in an economic initiative with FIBAC, providing some funds so that one of the community members could grow his business. A man by the name of Osnel Arevalo had the special skills required to provide the service of rewinding motors, for which there is a good market. Sadly, he did not have capital to invest in the equipment and materials required. Through a small investment from a joint microenterprise initiative, CBM and FIBAC gave him an opportunity to grow his business. During Asdrubal’s recent visit he ran into this man, who remembered us and thanked CBM for the investment that has allowed him to grow his business, build his house, and provide for his family.  

For the first time since the Pandemic, approximately 70 people, including more than 30 pastors, gathered at a retreat centre in Matanzas. Our colleague, Bill Dyck, shared elements of the Pastor Mentoring program we support in other areas of LAC and encouraged FIBAC leaders in the work of being the church in a very difficult context. It is such a joy to be an encouragement to these dear sisters and brothers.

Prayer requests 

Staff – each CBM staff, Canadian or National serves in an environment with cultural and communication challenges. We desire to listen to God and to the people and communities we serve so that our efforts effectively “Build the Kingdom” where justice, truth, and peace are demonstrated. Each of us has family going through challenges, and celebrations, often far away, and we often miss being in their life. Pray for wisdom, humility, and strength for each staff member.

Partners – all our partners, denominations, or organizations of the local church are challenged with serving the priority needs of the broader church and community. Pray for wisdom in discerning real needs, listening to the voices which are not always heard, and being godly agents of justice and truth in often difficult circumstances.

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