
Pray with the Soucys

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Bruno and Kathleen Soucy

Bruno and Kathleen have served with CBM since 2006, first in Rwanda and now as Latin America Team Leaders, since 2014.

More from Bruno and Kathleen

Greetings from Kathleen and Bruno Soucy in Guatemala. Our CBM partners in Latin America and the Caribbean face changing and challenging environments and circumstances they often have little control over. CBM places a high value on accompaniment, to walk with our partner churches in respectful, God-honoring ways to accomplish his mission. Regardless of the years of experience that our colleagues have (for some, more than 20 years, for others less than 1 year), each one must be sensitive to working in a culture different than their own, be aware of the influence they can have as they do life with people they are called to love. Ephesians 2:19-22 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. 21 In him, the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. Our situations may change, corporately and individually. Our communities as well are always changing, just as they are in other parts of the world. It is within this context that God has designed for us to grow together and to “be” with him. We thank God for the privilege of being part of a community that is bringing hope and healing to a broken world in His name. We ask that you pray for our community of CBM colleagues to grow together and to walk closely with our gracious Father each day. Thank you for joining us today as we pray.

Prayer Points:

Please pray:


  • Pray for those families that are separated from loved ones, that they would have peace and trust that God is with them. For the pastor’s retreat being planned for October. Pray that this would be a time for pastors and their spouses to be refreshed physically and spiritually.
  • Pray for CBM churches that will be visiting or planning to visit Cuba in 2023/24.. Specific areas of focus for these visits are – pastoral care, youth leadership. Pray for the CBM FIBAC partnership to grow in understanding and creative ways that will build up the church during an ever-changing environment.

Dominican Republic:

  • Pray for the denominational leadership as they mentor and engage the next generation of leaders. All pastors have other jobs outside of their church work, which competes for their time and energy. Pray for a proposed youth leadership program to develop leaders for children and youth camps.


  • Pray for the leadership and that our renewed partnership agreement (signed in April 2023) gives focus to our next 5 years of working together to build the church in Bolivia.

Guatemala and El Salvador:

    • Pray for partners as they engage in their communities with programming supporting children’s education and economic initiatives that benefit the most vulnerable families.

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