
Pray with Byron Velásquez

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Byron Velásquez

Byron serves as National Field Staff with CBM's Latin America and Caribbean team.

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Greetings from Guatemala, a beautiful country in Central America. I am Byron Velasquez, and I serve with our local church partners in Central America. I want to thank you for your prayers. It has been a very intense year with a lot of work. We praise God that we have been able to host and serve with groups of churches that have come from Canada to serve in Guatemala and El Salvador. It has been a blessing to work together. We also thank God for a new initiative with the Baptist churches of the Mayan Kekchi ethnic group in Guatemala. The initiative consists of supporting more than 40 missionaries who are planting churches where there are none or strengthening existing ones. The pastors are excited, and we are expectant of what God will do. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Prayer Points:

Please pray:

  • Pray for the groups of churches from Canada that will come to Central America in 2023. There are several on the way, and we are working hard to prepare for their arrival. Pray for the safety of the team and our staff and that it will be an enriching time.
  • Pray for the new initiatives that we are working on with partners in our country. Pray that God will open hearts and minds as missionaries plant new churches. May God continue to open doors as he has done to this day.
  • Pray for the project proposals that are being written for how the church should respond and care for God’s creation. Pray for the success of the projects that will be implemented.
  • Pray for the continued health of our family.
  • Pray for the continued health of our local partners, managers, and pastors with whom we work. Pray for wisdom and vision as we plan for future programs and activities.

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