
Pray with the Huttons

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Tim and Kallie Hutton

Tim and Kallie Hutton serve as Field Staff in Cochabamba, Bolivia. They work with CBM’s partner, the Bolivian Baptist Union (UBB), its development arm OBADES, and its seminary (STB) to build and support effective ministries.

More from Tim and Kallie

Hello friends! We’re Tim and Kallie Hutton, Global Field Staff with CBM in Bolivia.

As we reflect on the past year, we are so grateful for your faithful prayer support as we and our partners endured both difficult times and great joys. Your continued prayers bring us hope as we head into a new year of ministry.

As the Bolivian school year begins in February, all of our projects are picking up steam. Please pray for the young children, teens, and post-secondary students who are preparing for another semester of online learning as covid cases rise.

Pray for us as we begin building capacity within a group of leaders who will train and mentor churches undertaking holistic ministries in their neighbourhoods.

Finally, please pray for wisdom for the new leadership of the Bolivian Baptist Union as they undertake a 5-year plan, with the intention of bringing a diverse group of churches together under a unified vision.

Thank you for keeping us and our Bolivian partners in your prayers.

May God bless you and keep you this week.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for children, teens, and postsecondary students as they prepare for another school year. In December it was announced that schools would be back to normal; however, with the dramatic rise of covid cases in January, many of which are now affecting children, the decision was recently made to continue classes in an online format for the first semester. The Baptist Seminary has also made the decision to continue its courses online. Many families struggle to access reliable internet connections, computers, or cellphones to attend class. CBM’s vulnerable children’s projects strive to provide this access and educational support for children and youth. Please pray for these educational ministries, as well as the thousands of children across the country who are falling behind.
  • Pray for us as we begin a new season of training church leaders for holistic ministry engagement. Currently, we are working with a group of experienced leaders who have demonstrated impressive missional service through their local churches. Our current focus is on supporting these leaders as they begin to train and disciple other churches that are just beginning their journey of holistically caring for their communities.
  • Pray for the Bolivian Baptist denominational leaders, including its new president, Lucio Arias. The denomination is currently developing a five-year plan to help guide its churches and institutions. Much wisdom is needed to lead a group of diverse people during a time of political conflict and unrest. The covid pandemic has only served to create new areas of disagreement within many churches. Pray for unity of vision and mission as we seek to announce and demonstrate God’s Kingdom amid much division and instability.

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