Greetings from Germany
Peace in the Lord! Greetings and thank you from Kassel, Germany. Thank you for your continued intercession and concern for us and our ministry. We would like to share with you the Gospel ministry we are doing and God’s guidance and grace we are experiencing in the process.
Ministry/Project Update
At the end of June, our church had an outdoor worship service that also served as an outreach ministry: hymns of praise, gospel sermons, ice-breaker games, and a BBQ picnic. Brothers and sisters actively invited their friends to join us so that some people who had never been to church and heard the gospel could learn about Christianity. On that day, about 60 people came. We established contact with some of the newcomers and continue to invite them to come to church.
We are very thankful that our church held a baptism in July. Three brothers were baptized after a month-long baptismal course to better understand the fundamental truths of the faith and publicly testify about their conversion experience. Our whole church thanked God for this and rejoiced in it. Please pray for them, that the Lord will strengthen them and lead them to continue to grow in their spiritual life on the path of faith.
Family Update
It has been a year since our family moved to Kassel. We, as a couple and our two children, have adapted to our new place, and we thank the Lord for all the preparation and provision He has given us, as well as the church brothers and sisters who have lovingly cared for our family. Our four-year-old daughter has already made good friends in the kindergarten and German has become her habitual language. Our two-year-old son will also start preschool in October. This will give us more quiet time for work and Gao Ming will be able to devote more energy and time to the ministry of the church, especially the women’s ministry.
Prayer Requests
Please pray for the expansion of the student ministry. Many students left during the pandemic and now need to make a fresh start. October is the start of the new academic year at German universities. Pray for more students to come to church, get involved in student groups, study the Lord’s Word and come to know Him.
- Please pray for the church’s evangelization ministry. In addition to the start of the new semester, the church plans to reach out to more non-believers here through opportunities such as the Mid-Autumn Festival gatherings and short-term mission team visits to expand the Gospel ministry.
- Please pray for those brothers and sisters in the church who are sick and in need. Pray for peace and healing for those in the church who are hospitalized, undergoing surgery, on kidney dialysis, or have children with autism.
- Please pray for our family. Pray that we will have health, rest and enough energy and wisdom to serve and live. Pray for the spiritual and physical health of our two young children.
Thank you for reading what we shared, thank you for your interest, support and prayers. May the grace of the Lord be with us all!